My loving wife would like to thank each and everyone who wished her a Happy Birthday!
We had cupcakes! There was fire and we sacraficed a CLOWN! (just kidding on the clown and the fire)
Thanks everybody I think my wife enjoyed the well wishes as much as I did.
Mista Jaycee
awww shes so welcomed! :)
LOL..you know just the other day I was thinking. I wonder if Mr.Jaycee ever told Mrs. Jaycee I said Happy Birthday...LOL
Well she is very welcome!!! You didn't cook for Mrs. Jaycee after all those good recipe's I've posted??
Go B.
lol @ sacrificed a clown.. (it is funny bc I have an irrational fear of clowns)
There is nothing irrational about clowns! CLOWNS are EVIL!
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