Grateful Daisy from Daisy's Dead Air nominated me for the Brillante Weblog Premio Award! Thanks Daisy! Wow! What a long strange trip this is. I in turn have nominated a few others that I read regularly and are equally deserving of praise. Congrats! To all the nominees.
1. Aunt Jemima's Revenge! http://auntjemimasrevenge.blogspot.com/
2. Fungke Blak Chick! http://funkyblackchick.com/
3. The Black Snob! http://blacksnob.blogspot.com/
4. Getyoshyt! http://getyoshyt.blogspot.com/
5. A Taste of Banana Puddin! http://msfbpuddin.blogspot.com/
6. The Luscious Librarian! http://the-luscious-librarian.blogspot.com/
7. The Old Black Church! http://theoldblackchurch.blogspot.com/
8. Go Zack! http://www.gozack.blogspot.com/
9. Kiamsha! http://kiamshacom.blogspot.com/
Grateful Daisy! http://daisysdeadair.blogspot.com/
Rules:1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
why thank you!
Where's my message Jaycee? Just kidding. I might not do a post, but I'll put it on my sidebar. Thank you kind sir! I appreciate the love!
Thx so much Jaycee! Man, you made my week. It feels so good to be appreciated. Love the love. :) Muah!
-- Mel
Thx so much Jaycee! Man, you made my week. It feels so good to be appreciated. Love the love. :) Muah!
-- Mel
Thx so much Jaycee! Man, you made my week. It feels so good to be appreciated. Love the love. :) Muah!
-- Mel
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