Presidential Candidates John Old Kane Mccain and Barack Bam Bam Obama visited the Saddleback Church pastored by Rick Warren to answer questions about faith, state their positions on issues important to some evangelicals and hopefully court the Evangelical voting block. However once again, Black folks have not demanded fair exchange and so once again we get robbed.
First, who is Rick Warren that we should grace his church? Who decided that this venue and conditions set were agreeable? I didn't! In fact just about anyone you ask would agree.
But since they are so keen to court the religious intelligentsia here's a short list of some of our more prominent Black Religious folks that they can talk to. I am sure that Bam Bam and Old Kanes slight was unintentional.
Pictured above representing Christianity; Pastors Warren Pearson, Dr. Earl E. Cleveland, Kwame Ronnie Vanderhorst, Dr. Calvin Butts, Bishop Charles Blake, Cecil Chip Murray, Dr. Freddie Haynes and Bishop Vashti Mckenzie who can serve not only as a woman but a historical figure.
Representing Dar Al Islam; pictured Imam Wallace Muhammed of the World Community of Al Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, National Rep of the Lost Found Nation of Islam in the West.
Representing Buddhism: Rev. Angel Kyoda Williams of New Dharma Faith community and Rev. L. C. Rangdrol of The Rainbow Dharma Community, and rounding out the discussion Priest ( IFA does not recognize gender) Iyala Van Zandt representing a traditional African religion known as IFA.
I'm sure this would be a lively and interesting forum and would look absolutely great on TV. I want to see it just to have Presidential candidates especially White ones before a panel of Black folks answer the real hard questions! And I am sick and tired of White candidates and candidates of all other stripes including the traditional religious and political communities ignoring us, showing us their contempt and getting a pass! So there!
BE Careful! BE Mindful! BE Prayerful!
Here, here, Jaycee!. I'd love to be in the building for this.
Hey Mel,
It would be interesting. It begs the question what Black Theologians does America respect?
You never hear White pastors quote Black Theologians although we have added more than enough to the lexicon. Including St. Augustine, Moses, Bilal, and so many others!
I'm not holding my breath this will happen in this election, and with McCain, ever.
One can hope though! It's a shame that Black folks don't demand it! We are ignored and patrionized!
I have personally watched Black Folks wilt in the face when I have stated We gave the world including the White Man Religion, we taught y'all about God yet you don't give us that respect and worse we don't give ourselves that respect either.
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