But I did wind up watching the opening ceremonies with my wife and I enjoyed them. I'm glad that I did. Now, I know some you will say Marion used Steroids! Did she? I don't recall her ever testing dirty do you? She didn't test dirty in High school, College, The Pan Am games, the golden games, the Olympic trails or anything never!
Blood test after blood test, urine sample after urine sample! But what about BALCO! Her ex was involved wasn't he? Yep! But Marion wasn't caught doing any substances and they didn't have any evidence that she did. They still don't! Tim Montgomery, the Ex, got caught up in the Balco scandal, had a check kiting thing going on that she got involved in too. Did she do something wrong possibly and probably! Should she have to pay for that? Yeah, she should if she was proven guilty! But let's talk real about it! The Feds needed a scapegoat! They haven't been able to get Barry, they probably won't either and they needed a high profile face to convict. So, they gangstered Marion! Admit to this and we will go easy on that! She makes a speech, gives back her medals and she becomes the poster child for steroids!
That was wrong! She wore that flag! And the IOC sold her out as well. Did ya go back and test everyone that ran those races? If so, who came up dirty? If they were all dirty and there is evidence from previous scandals that they probably were even if they were not using a super sophisticated agent like the clean or clear then all the races need to be wiped out, invalidated and the medals returned! Marion should not be singled out when the IOC didn't catch it!
Now here's a bunch of new athletes with inspirational stories to be exploited and again the IOC has not done much to insure that the so called problems that plagued previous contests will not continue well into the future.
Now, Marion politely asks the President to commute her sentence, to pardon her! He should and I hope he will. He will probably pardon far worse in the next sixty days I'm sure! As for the IOC you still have not done right because you don't want to know how ugly it may be! But, athlete beware! See what they've done to Marion, Michael and Ben, see how they whisper about Flo-Jo even in death! They will use you and throw you away! Think about that before you wrap that flag around ya self. America loved it when Marion did it! They exploited it to the hilt! Nike too but will Nike give Marion a job when this is all over even speaking about enduring scandal?
We still love you Marion!
BE Mindful! BE Prayerful! BE Careful!
i will always be a fan of marion jones, not only b/c we share the same belizean background but b/c she was truly a great athlete..and you are 100% correct, she never tested positive for anything! they needed a scapegoat and there she was...a former athlete, who was broke and they knew she couldnt afford a proper defense.
Wait til these Olympics are over!
Will they be as hard on Michael Phelps If he tests postive?
'Til this day I haven't been able to figure out why she admitted it. I'd make them prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Was it guilt? Or did she figure they were on to her, so she might as well fess up?
I do hope she can redeem herself. The public at large has a tendency to be so unforgiving. The only difference between her and millions of others who have had shame put upon them is that she had to live hers out in the public eye. Being a "celebrity" ain't all it's cracked up to be.
I don't think they could prove she did anything but she was caught up in that check writing thing with her ex and she was broke. The Gov has all the resources at thier disposal and if they are forced to use them they will and I repeat will crush you. She could have got a hella lot worse. They get an easy collar and she gets 6 months. But if she was guilty of cheating then the IOC should have been the one to catch her. I bet they are scared to death of Phelps or someone else coming up dirty. Remember this is a Gov that needs propaganda, remember The Late Pat Tillman? Remember Private Jessica Lynch? They lied and faked all that! How much positive press did they get from that?
I have never seen a more muscular woman than Marion Jones! As a former runner and athlete, I do admire her.
I see that you are a Gordon Parks fan. I love that man! :)
I have never seen a more muscular woman than Marion Jones! As a former runner and athlete, I do admire her.
I see that you are a Gordon Parks fan. I love that man! :)
Buttafly you back! YAAAAY!
Yes, definate fan of Gordon!
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