I read RevvyRev over at The Certain Sound http://revvyrev.blogspot.com/ and was happy to find that his ministry recieved a large donation from someone who dug his work. Furthermore he has been awarded The Emblem Of The Helping Hand for his Blogging content Please go over and read it by following the above link. Congratulations!
Now my favorite Celtic fan, (why do you have to route for the team the represents all that is EVIL?) (Laugh out loud) Go LAKERS! Has seen fit to honor me with the award as well. Thank You and I am humbled but he has also charged me with playing it forward so with the first five picks I would like to honor those blogs that mentor me by consistently posting great material.
Mista Jaycee's Mentoring Sites:
1. The Black Snob! http://blacksnob.blogspot.com/ Danielle wrote me back and answered any question I asked in order to help me get started. Her site is always overflowing with great pictures and the content is second to none. She has in my opinion, an almost unhealthy obsession with TJ Holmes, but that not withstanding, she has one the best sites and I highly recommend it.
2. Fungke Blak Chik! http://www.fungkeblakchik.com/ Brooklyn O'Callahan is awesome! Her posts are hilarious, the pictures are great! The folks who comment leave the craziest commentary, and that makes for a very enjoyable read. Now I understand another blogger recently got upset and accused FBC of infringement on her name. You know "You're name is too close to mine and people will confuse us! You're taking people away from my site!" Respectfully, I disagree! Brooklyn's content is what makes Fungke Blak Chik hot! It's why folks are constantly coming back!
3. The League of Evil Monkeys http://theleagueofevilmonkeys.blogspot.com/ Serious Black is the one who suggested and encouraged me to start A Choice of Weapons! After he was disposed in a Coup D'tat earlier last year (feel free to reach about the whole affair in earlier posts) by the Hideously Evil Monkey with backing from Lieberman, Bush and Cheney. He regained his kingdom but has fallen off a bit but his content is insightful, funny and spiritually fulfilling. Please encourage him to post more. His site is great and I hope he adds more art but his love for Man Boobs is a lil disturbing. Moobies (Man Boobs) in general are disturbing! Keep on going and thank you!
4. Aunt Jemima's Revenge! http://auntjemimasrevenge.blogspot.com/Professor Tracy writes one of the first blogs I read everyday because she posts multiple posts on the news topic du jour, great photos, loves horror movies and has a razor sharp wit and is not afraid to cut someone. Definitely worth the Read! PS. She had a super cool Pitt named Che Lil Monster (RIP) and now has another one who is like a Big Blue eyed Snowball!
5. The Old Black Church!http://theoldblackchurch.blogspot.com/ One of the first sites I read. One of the first commenter's on my blog and the first to sign up and follow. Ann's posts are always from a Woman in the pew perspective. She talks about the Black Church, The current state of the affairs of Afrikan People in America and best she don't act like she know it all. She is open to learn, be challenged, she is courteous and courageous. Her site is informative and fun, don't let a typo keep you from serious content cause you'd be missing out. She is coming from a Sista Woman from the Pew perspective and I dig it!
Now for the ones that I'd like to pay forward!
1. A Go Bytch! http://gobytch.blogspot.com/ AGB's site is great! I still haven't attempted any of the recipes she's posted but that don't mean that I haven't thought about it. I'm gonna! I'm Gonna! She writes about everything, Dating, the job, friends, enemies and frenemies! ( Laughter) Check it out!
2. The Field Negro! http://field-negro.blogspot.com/ The Undercover Brother journalistically keeping THE MAN from keeping us down! I love the Lawn Jockey of the week! I love the Field Negro Award. His commentary is on point daily and I would suggest you get at em and add him to your blog list after you add A Choice of Weapons! LOL
3. The Certain Sound! Revvy Rev! Finally, a blogging Pastor that talks real! He likes real soul music, has not forgotten that he had a Playa card once and speaks on Real change and redemption! He's a Celtics fan but hey No one's Perfect!
4. Voice of a Predicate Muslim: http://voiceofapredicatemuslim.blogspot.com/ Obi Adisa Asad and I have known each other since we both still used our Goverment names! I have personally been in the trenches with him performing spoken word poetry all over Los Angeles and discussing and debating Politricks, Why ICON is not a Black Rip off of Superman, the Bible and Dar Al Islam. On this site he mostly speaks on The Religion of Dar Al Islam and politics affecting Afrikans in America and the World but check out Freedom Infinite.com and download That's Gangsta and Pastor Jones is a Pimp! Two great incendiary pieces of spoken word poetry with his partner Deshone! You'll dig it!
5. The Intersection of Madness and Reality! http://rippdemup.blogspot.com/ RIPPa kills me! Sometimes I cringe at how irreverent and raw this Brotha can get but then he balances it out with the funniest comedy club worthy material or some of the most NPR ist type commentary on the web, next to mine of course. Madness I get! Reality, well not without Liquor! But hey RIPPa walks that tightrope daily! Definitely worth it! Check for this High wire act!
Now I know I was only supposed to do five but I'm gonna mention A Taste of Banana Puddin http://msfbpuddin.blogspot.com/ for being hilarious everyday...well every week since she got a job and to Curvy Stef,http://curvaceouscuban.blogspot.com/ a former Chunky Gyal who dares to bare it all, in writing! in Writing! Ya Pervs! You know what you were thinking! You Know! (Laughing) and Melyssa Genanche from Get Yo Shyt!http://getyoshyt.blogspot.com/ She writes from the perspective of single Mama divorcee who raises a healthy Young man and while balancing her life as a Super Hot Blogger/Commentator ( if I wasn't Happily Married! Happily Married Damn It!) 8-) and a Working Mom in this Cold Cold World! She hasn't updated her blog but read the old
The Rules:
1. Select 10 bloggers: 5 you consider your blogging Helping Hand then "Pay it Forward" by extending your "Helping Hand" to 5 additional bloggers in support and encouragement for their efforts.
2. In passing on the Emblem, each recipient must provide the name of blog or blog author with a link for others to visit.Each recipient must show the Emblem and put the name and link to the blog that has given it to her or him.
3. Link the Emblem to this post: Helping Hand: Much Obliged and Paying it Forward so that others will know it origin and impetus.
4. If you have not already done so, show your recipients some love by adding them to your blog roll, Technorati Favorite list, or in any other way to further let them know that their blog voice is important to you and being heard.
5. Add your name to The Helping Hand meme and don't forget to leave a comment as a permanent record of all Helping Hand recipients.
6. Display the rules.
Whatever one touches, his aim should always be to leave that which he touches better than he found it. Benjamin E. Mays
Lord, open his eyes that he may see. And behold, the mountains were full of horses and chariots round about. 2 Kings vi. 17
Footnote! Without meaning to I neglected to post the link to Sojourner's Place! This Sista started the Emblem of The Helping Hand! GO Check out her Blog and the Site that accompanys the Emblem of The Helping Hand! Many Apologies for the oversight and Much Love! Mista Jaycee
Hey thanks, Jay. Means a lot that I'd get honorable mention. I'm glad someone's reading me. Peace and blessings.
PS. Keep Gaza Strip in your prayers.
Congrats to you for the award you received. Now I have another positive message to follow.
Congrats! :)
Ahh I saw my name! I just adore you Jay, Oh I do!
Awww thanks soooo much!!!
I'm glad I've been able to provide you with a few laughs! But you are so right, the people who comment are hilarious! Sometimes I sit in my office practically in tears!
I'm a huge MsPuddin' fan myself! The others sound pretty cool too!
=) Bella
Congrats! You deserve it. You write great stuff. Thanks for stopping by mine. Happy New yaar!
Awww man...!!
You mean now I gotta go and do all of that work called paying it forward? What if I don't have a Green Card? Do I get a pass??
Seriously, thanks for the love my man. I'm honored to receive such great feedback. Sometimes the stuff I write scares me, and I think you people think I'm crazy. And to think I was about to tone it down in the coming weeks.
Oh well, like my homie Funke Blak Chik tells me all the time: I'm not a crazy person, but I play one on the internet.
Thanks again my friend.
P.S. would it be cool if I just passed this on to the 10 people you listed; myself included?
Congratulations on receiving the Emblem of the Helping Hand. I'd be much obliged if you would link the award to the so that others will know its origin. Also, please go here to sign the linkie. It serves a record of all recipients.
Again, Congratulations and Much Obliged!
SjP of Sojourner's Place and creator of the Emblem of the Helping Hand.
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