I, on the other hand, move with all the grace of a pregnant yak! (Laughter) Now the dude meditating in the picture above looks like he's closer to inner peace than I am. I would like to get to a point where I am able to let things go and accept them as they are, not as I would like them to be.
I would like to grow and be a better Friend, a better Husband and a better Father. For that I have to become a better listener but also develop better understanding. I would like to make more money but who wouldn't. That's why I don't dig the whole resolution thing because all we really can do is do the things that successful people have done and hope it works out. It's no guarantee that you will be successful. We just have to have faith that it will all work out.
Last though, I would like to find and join a church congregation where I feel at home. I have a spiritual restlessness that I would like to see satisfied. Well those are my goals well at least some of them.
What are yours? Leave a comment or three.
BE Careful! BE Mindful! BE Prayerful!
Too bad you aren't in Toledo or I could help you out on the church thing. I am not a resolution person either but I have viewed a couple of great blogs that have made me see the need to:
1. Simplify my life and remove the clutter both physically and emotionally.
2. Go back and take care of the neglected areas in my life.
That will take me at least until 2010 to get a handle on.
Thanks Double R,
I have a home denomination, the SDA and I visit with a great AME church as well but I don't have a community feeling in my home denomination. The doctrine is bar none, the scriptural wealth is tremendous but I have found it lacking in a family feel that I experienced in sister denominations. Dig?
Happy New Year
Go Lakers!
Inner peace sounds awfully nice. (litereally laughed out loud at the pregnant yak comment:)) I can identify with you on the spiritual restlessness. I've just been kinda floating...I know there's goodness somewhere, just so skeptical to follow a religion. I just finished reading "The Traveler's Gift" kinda helped sort some stuff out - you might like it as well!
Thanks for the comments. You write with a certain fluidity & your posts always have a certain sustenance *admires* Feedback is always appreciated & reciprocated :) I'm sure you'll have a phenomenal year!
Hey there. I wanted to come visit your blog since you gave me some good advice. I made a list of resolutions but I won't kick myself if I don't reach them all. I want to lose a little weight, get back in school and hopefully make plans to move. I also would like to get more involved in my church. In 08 I joined the Singles Ministry and this year I want to get involved in the theater group and maybe volunteer in a couple projects. I think you wanting to acheive peace is great. When I'm not at peace my spirit feels terrible.
Mine are as followed..
1. Continue losing weight: It's an ongoing process but physically I will better myself.
2. Think positive: I must better myself mentally and spiritually. Where there is a will, there is a way. Positive things happen to positive people. God is Good. Good is great. Life is good and life is great. I am blessed...Oh yes I am.
3. I will say "I love you" more
4. I will laugh more: Laughter is the best medicine 5. I will have more fun
6. I will not cry over the petty stuff
7. I will open my heart: I realized that my heart is closed off....that must change.
"I would like to get to a point where I am able to let things go and accept them as they are, not as I would like them to be."
i will let this one major pain in my life go. i will be a better woman.
I hear you. AME is a great denomination and has a long history of activism and social justice but I understand. You might feel more at home in a smaller congregation?
But, speaking of upgrades, the Lakers apparently made the Celts realize that they need retooling or reinforcement and maybe Stephon "Starbury" can plug some of the holes that LA exposed.
Merry New Year to you, too. Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully you'll come by more often.
I hope you fulfill all your goals.
I've discovered the best way for me to achieve my goals is to write them down.
As step One, I've started a new blog to do just that. A Plan In Action
Hey mista!! I need to stop biting my lips..they are gettin scarred up cuz I'm always so nervous..I guess i need to work on being not so nervous to..
I know the resolution thing is played out..but I can pinpoint things i need to work on..
Tai Chi- I admire a lot.
Don't do resolutions either, but I've decided that this year I will challenge myself to go one step further in everything I would normally do.
Hey, I can understand finding a church that speaks to you- When I found my church, I knew they where sent to me for a reason.
Hello there!
I will be praying that you find a church home...ask God to reveal to you what He wants you to do in this season.
So often, we want ONE type of church and God wants to show us how to worship and serve Him in another type of church. We have to be open to whatever He wants to reveal to us.
I know you will find a church "home".
I've been in the mega church and I've been in the small 100-person church. Size doesn't mean a thing...it's all about being WHERE God has sent me and being obedient to His timing and His desires.
The most remarkable pastor I ever had was an unpaid pastor of a small church with 80 members who didn't believe women should preach. He made a tremendous impact on my spiritual development in so many ways.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
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