America's New Top Cop is New Yorker Eric Holder! Holder becomes the first Afrikan American to hold this position after being confirmed by the senate.
Mr. Holder, please issue warrants for the arrest of Post Vice President Dick Chaney, Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Harriett Myers, Tom Delay and Karl Rove for starters.
Well I know you might have a few things that need to get done first and I understand if you can't right away. But if you need any help at all feel free to take my suggestions and run with em. I got more and don't need the credit!
Congrats! Now get to work!
I cannot stand Kobe. His damn smirk irritates me.
Good to see Obama isn't bowing under pressure and filling his cabinet with white men...
LOL @ Stef, re Kobe...I don't like him either...
I think Mr. Holder, should have Gov. Arnold S. arrested, for sinking the state's budget.... CA
And Gov. Palin...just cause...
Good post peoples.
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