Do You really believe Chris Brown hit Rhianna?
Yeah, I do believe he hit her. He shouldn't have. Boys ain't supposed to hit Girls!
Quickly, I learned that she loved Chris Brown and hated Rhianna! I asked her why she hated Rhianna when she didn't know either of them? She replied that Rhianna drives Chris Brown's car in the Video, blah blah blah!

I'm thinking about the budding female psychology of female competition and competitive hatred that she and so many other young Women will have in real life towards other females who may snag the attention of a young cute boy in junior high, high school, college, work and overall life. The whole light skinned, long hair, skinny or not thang. How can you explain over four hundred years of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome to a 6th grader? How do you tell a kid about the Multi verses when they only know one block of Earth?
No! I don't like her cause Chris Brown is the real star and she's just with him!
She's 11 years old and in the sixth grade. Both girls articulated their points so well. It was surprising for me to see that neither girl knew that Rhianna has sold more records than Chris and that in the overall scheme of things she would be the bigger star or Star because of that!
It didn't matter! They were hurt! For them seeing Chris Brown in a bad light was earth shaking and disturbing. They didn't know if they wanted to be fans anymore. That's hard and harsh for a youngling.
They understood the rules. Boys don't hurt Girls! And someone they admired and have a crush on has disappointed them cause they broke the rules.
I really didn't know how to explain to them that Chris and Rhianna are human beings and that they make mistakes. You can still like them and their music but realize they aren't perfect. Sure I can write this down now but when put on the spot like that!
My brain was like NKNNFD &$^#Wuzzle Beeep! KKKKK AGGGGHE ACK!
A week from now Chris and Rhi may be broken up or maybe not and unfortunately the general public will weigh in on their relationship but People do terrible things that they later regret. This is a universal truth. Here's hoping that Regret becomes Repentance and then Redemption.
Here's hoping for Acceptance and Atonement and Absolution!
BE Careful! BE Mindful! BE Prayerful!
Lesson of the day: no words will ever defeat the power of estrogen in prepubescent girls. Ever.
you did NOT ask two six graders if they hated her because of her skin color.....
Mista Jaycee what I find amazing about this is how some young women are viewing this incident as if it's Rhianna fault that she was hit.
Hey Super Woman,
Yes! I did ask to see if they were color struck and hatin cause Rhianna was Light or thin or cause she had long hair or green eyes or lens. I wanted to get inside it! It was a fair question.
Sounds so much like how my 14yr old thinks about this situation.
That was awfully kind of you to try to at least plant the " boys ain't suppose to hit girls" seed.
Good Job!
Go B.
So yeah all the young Chris Brown fans think the same exact way my dude. There's no change in that, that's his general audience. Rihanna is on another level of fame, and I honestly think they're both equally talented. Whatever the situation that went down that night can only be told by the people that we're involved. The media will take anything and everything and twist it all up.
Unfortunately for them celebrities they make all their mistakes in the public eyes...
A very provocative post...
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