Super Bowl Day Today! YAAAAH! I don't care! I really don't! I am a Raider fan. A diehard Raider Fan and if you are not a Raider fan you don't like Football in my opinion but to each his own. But in the spirit of good sportatude. Sportatude??? Anyway, I pick the Steelers. One cause even though they were the archnemisis of my beloved Raiders and still are.... Mean Joe Greene was the greatest. Best Coke commerical ever! Ever! I thought he was invincible and only age stopped him.

Congrats to Arizona! I know you gonna make it a good game. The halftime show will sux again unless a boob pops out or something. But while I'm eating hot wings and lots of fatty foods I wanna see some good football and possibly a boob!
Go Pittsburgh!
I cant pick a team , so Im watching he Superbowl for the commercials
I knew I liked you for some reason...GO STEELERS!!!!!!
damn hot wings and chips and salsa. how nice would that be? how nice would it be to be able to watch tv? lol i wonder if they have chips and salsa here. i have an addiction to chips and good dip. like houston's spinach and artichoke dip.
go steelers go
I don't care that much for either team, but I will root for the Steelers because of the Rooney/Tomlin connection.
Is it me or have commercials have not been so special so far (and the 3rd quarter is almost over).
What a great year for me! First the Celtics now the Steelers. I am probably most happy and excited for the head coaches for those organizations and the long term struggle by those who paved the way for them. Thanks for the vision and boldness of the Rooney family as well.
We won!!!!!!!!!!!! for a min, i was worried 'em cardinals were gonna take d lead but miracles! GO STEELERS
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