Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Super Con!

I recieved an email supposedly from Google informing me that I some unspecified item has been posted on my blog and some unidentified party has stated to them supposedly that I have infringed on their copyrighted or trademarked item. 

Hummm! It would help GOOGLE if you informed a BLOGGER such as myself, what supposed item has been infringed upon.  What post? What date? What Blog? Did I use a quote? Did I use a photo? What?

Copyrights and Trademarks protect everyone if they are used correctly.  If you feel that I have used a photo of yours or a piece of copyrighted material improperly I apologize, then I want to know what items you speak of and who you are so that I can take them down.  I am not about to scour or delete five years worth of pictures, 98.9 percent are public domain because they are posted from the internet and by the way the photos say courtesy of the World Wide Web. 

 These are my rights as a blogger who by the way owns a ton of copyrighted material, some of which appears in A Choice Of Weapons, Mista Jaycee's Stretchin Outtttt and Odie Hawkins Unlimited. 

I can respect a corporate entities right to protect their property but I want to know what items they say belong to them and I will not take down one single item or post until I am properly informed of what specifically is the offending item.

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!