Monday, May 24, 2010

Vesak! Happy Buddha Day!

Happy Buddha Day!
Some Buddha's consider this the date of Buddha's Enlightenment (His Great Awakening) as well as his physical Birthday! I like what I've read about the Buddha. His quest for an end to Suffering!
I like that fact that the Buddha just means that he was the Enlightened one! The one who figured some things out! Simplified, I know, but Cool Beans!
BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!


Miss.Stefanie said...

Happy Buddha Day!

ChocolateOrchid said...

Thanks for sharing. I had no idea.

Angel said...

so Buddha has a birthday, well I never knew.

achoiceofweapons said...

Hi Angel!
Yes, the Buddha's name is Siddhartha. He was royalty in India and left his title and his possessions after the death of his child. He sought to understand the causes of suffering and and end to suffering from the local religious communities. One day while meditating he found the answer. He became the Buddha cause he was enlightened. You and I can become a Buddha as well. (Wink Look Within)

Unknown said...

Had fun reading!