Always, read the fine print!
You cannot neglect the fine print on suicide cause it takes little or no effort to die
Now if you want to live that's different.
If you want to live, dance on razorblades really live life on the edge
I mean really take risks then just try to live not just stay alive.
It takes effort to pay that rent on time effort! To work that job you despise!
Effort! To love the same someone everyday all the time when there's always a pretty face, a silky voice, a nice behind It's WORK!.. to be faithful when your natures on the rise.
Try doing the WORK!
Commit to someone have faith and believe even when it don’t make sense
It's so hard to live, it's hard just to survivewhen men who look like me, stare back with hate in they eyes.
It takes WORK to live WORK to love to walk the streets with a smile on my lips let love shine through my eyes speak to a stranger, nowadays that's dangerous!
I can fake a revolution!
I can get guns and shout slogans in the street!
But real agents of change choose life so I battle daily! I choose my weapons carefully. I stay armed with notebook and pen, song in my heart and camera lens. Fight daily, pray daily!
Love as much as possible showing it despite the obstacles.
Loving life is revolution!
Revolution is loving Life!
Amen Jaycee! Keep doing whatcha do :).
Loved it! Loved it!Loved it!
But real agents of change choose life so I battle daily! I choose my weapons carefully. I stay armed with notebook and pen, song in my heart and camera lens. Fight daily, pray daily!
Beautiful! :)
"If you want to live, dance on razorblades really live life on the edge"
That was brilliant, I am at the pont of learning that, every revolution whether personal or on a grand scale must begin with stepping out on an unknown or onto a dangerous known... by the way, how can I purchase on of your books?
I have copies of Never Argue with a Mad Man in love Ravings of a Lunatic!
I will make them availiable.
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