Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Puff! Puff! Pass! Jaycee talks Bud!

I believe that marijuana is a medicine. That said, I am not, nor have I ever, been a user of the drug. Why? The most prudent answer I will give for the sake of this discussion is cause I am not ill. Therefore, I have no need to use it.

Los Angeles County, which Long Beach is a part of is debating the cut off for the dispensaries. Some say it should be capped at 70. Others say 130 and so on. Los Angeles Times/Pat Morrison KCRW

Since the State of California implemented the voters will to allow the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes several dispensaries have sprung up like.....well, weed! (No pun intended)

There are those who believe that having a dispensary near them will attract a low element and increase crime. In fairness, there has been no statistics to back up this concern but in response, some cities have proposed the caps on new dispensaries or limiting them to certain areas of the city. (A De facto Red light District)

This is what I would like to talk about. I am not in favor of State or Local Governments relegating the dispensaries to one local.


Well, because it would limit that areas ability to attract viable and respectable businesses and residents. For example, Compton, My hometown, already has struggled with a terrible reputation Worldwide because of the export of Gang life images via music and movies. Compton was a dairy town with a rich history. There is still farm and dairy land in use. I love watching Black Cowboys in the city.

Maybe they will put all the dispensaries on Long Beach Blvd. and Rosecrans Ave. Sure wouldn't want to sell a home on Tucker, Queensdale or Ezmirlian Streets. It would be the equivalent of putting all the liquor stores, smoke shops, strip bars, pawnshops, check cashing and bail bonds in one concentrated area.

I propose that State and Local officials place the dispensaries where they belong in the Medical Districts. That's right with the Pharmacies and the Hospitals. If a Doctor can prescribe it, then, why can't someone, with that prescription, go to a dispensary right next to the Hospital?

This would eliminate any stigmas associated with the recreational user and those who market and sell to them. It would also protect the citizens. A Cancer patient does not want to travel to a seedy part of town to fill their prescription after a rousing session of Chemo! And they shouldn't have to!

You don't think that predators would prey on the Cancer ridden? Of course, they would!

Now, Legalization is a whole other issue! Let's not waste time arguing about that cause we are not there yet! So, Brother Starshine, (Not real person) standing outside of the local slurpee shop slanging that chronic! This ain't about you or your customer/fan base!

This is about State and Local governments passing the buck literally to everyone else. Your neighborhood could become Ground Zero! Your property valves are limited!

Isn't that NIMBY Mista Jaycee?

No, cause I am not saying that the dispensaries should not be in my neighborhood. I am saying that they City planners should place them in strategic areas of the city. First, in the Medical district! Secondly, no one neighborhood should have more than two every 8 blocks.

Spread em out!

But Local officials should also make sure that they look good. Maybe I have a nice little grocery market! I don't want a tie dyed head shop masquerading as a medical marijuana dispensaries. Discretion and good taste should be the standard!

Guess what City Government! The Working Class and The Poor don't want to be the dumping ground for the rest of the Cities economic and social classes! We like Bars, Tattoos, Strip Clubs, Smoke Shops and Liquor as much as you do! But we don't want to BE the people and areas you dump your undesirables and hide your secrets!

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We Know Terror Yet We Do Not Fear!

The Son of a wealthy Nigerian Banker tried to detonate an explosive device aboard a plane and once again America has been shaken to its core. While, I watched the news, it struck me that this wealthy, educated kid decided to kill himself in the name of some cause for glory that he would never enjoy.

He's a kid! At 23 years old, I didn't know a thing about life! BE honest, when you were 23 how much did you really know about Life? If you're 23 or younger think about it. Have you ever held your Baby in your arms knowing that you are responsible for what the child learns, its safety, its well being?

Have you ever held someone you loved, or thought you loved, and thought while covered in your lovers musk, that I want to make a Baby with you? Have you ever lost a Baby? Have you ever wondered what God's (IAM) plan was for you and it?

How many times have you walked out of school, happy cause you passed an exam or you went to a dance and just enjoyed life? Has anyone ever just looked at you and told you that you were beautiful! Do you remember how that felt?

So, what could this young boy know about life? Judging by his actions nothing! Now, he's an inmate, nothing more than a burned pariah! Not a hero or a martyr! Worse, those who enabled and encouraged him have moved on to the new martyr hopeful! They are somewhere in the Mosque/Synagogue/Church/Temple of Satan pumping his or her heads full of the same bullshit!

Terror! Webster defines it as to frighten.

Terrorism: To frighten in order to coerce!

Black Folks know all about being frightened! We know it so well that it's part of our DNA since we were kidnapped from the Continent. If a captive tried to escape! He was beaten, mutilated or killed in front of the other captives in order to create what?????? Fear! Coercion! To Terrorize! The threat was always there!

If you tried to break the social order of things. Take a job that the ruling social order (White Community) didn't think you should have. You could be ran out of town or worse Lynch! Again, as an example. To Coerce! To create Fear! To Terrorize! We know the faces of Terror! The Klan, The Nazis, sometimes the Police! We know!

We know unjust laws, unfair wages and policies! We know apartheid on a level that most Human Beings will never understand. Have you ever wondered what else, is in that Booster shot, you just allowed that Doctor to give your child?

Do you ever wonder if the Birth Control Shot you took would leave you sterile? Terror! Creating mistrust! Dissension! Get it?

Black Folks have learned to fight and to progress in spite of the fear! We fight on with Education! We fight on with our Music! We fight on with our creativity! Show me a Terrorist and I will show you Twenty Bible carrying, Quran reciting, Praise singing Men for every one terrorist feeding the poor, cleaning a neighborhood of graffiti and trash or creating a school for the Young ones to be educated in.

We adapt! We know that we must BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful! in order to survive daily! So, Mr. Obama! We know that you can give a speech! Now, is the time to lead! We need you to provide good actions and instructions on how we can defeat those who would inspire terror.

Here's a few examples: 1. Make all the TSA jobs Federal! Raise the job requirements, Education, training and Pay!

2. Do the same for the Security Officers at the Ports and Refineries! Send in the Army and Marines if necessary but secure these places.

The day of the underpaid, undereducated but overworked worker or Grandma and Grandpa guarding the gates should be over!

3. Flight attendants should be retrained in Martial arts and BE Physically fit and trained in some EMT and Emergency rescue procedures. If it's never been done before then it should be created and implemented!

4. Investment in the infrastructure. This is the greatest fear of the would be terrorist! Rebuild the bridges, freeways, roads, Water, power and sewage systems! If you employ Americans to repair America then money goes back into the American Economy.

5. Education! Plain and simple Education needs to be the top priority for all the states! We need a highly educated workforce!

History has called you to Lead Mr. Obama not just to BE Historical! You are the First openly acknowledged Black President! That's Historical! Now, it's time to MAKE History by doing what the other 40 some odd other Presidents before you could not do! Forget the Politricks and get the WORK done!

Bondage will not reign! Terror will NOT succeed!

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! BE Blessed and Highly Favored this season. Remember, joy should not be measured by what's UNDER the tree but what's in your hearts!

JOY, LOVE, PEACE, HAPPINESS, UNDERSTANDING, KNOWLEDGE but a lil more Money won't hurt either! (Smile)

BE Mindful! BE Prayerful! BE Careful!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You Can't Flush A Fruit Cake! Repost!

This Poem is a re post from last year!

Plastered smile on my face as I enter place of employment

Laugh, shake hands and give illusions of enjoyment

politely nod to the one who earlier this year stabbed me in rear

Don't tip my hand that I ain't happy to be here

Can't let down my hair or let my guard be licked

The Liquor may flow but past parties show

Careers on the upswing get damaged never to be fixed!

Smile, wave, I don't know how much more I can take!

Lame Secret Santa Gift, Smile, Thank You.... All Fake!

Whew glad that's over! I don't know how much more of it I could take!

The Bonus I earned!
The company plaque I burned!
But You can't Flush a Fruit Cake!

Lesson Learned!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Mary with the infant Jesus

Happy Holidays!


Is it now?
Well, Merry Christmas (Mass of Christ) Happy Hanukkah, Glorious Winter Solstice, and Happy New Year!

Oh, and Happy Birthday Nimrod!

King Nimrod, YOU KNOW! The Babylonian King? Also known as Osiris, Baal, Tammuz.....
Doesn't ring a bell huh?
You mean you celebrate his birthday every December 25th (The Winter Solstice) and you don't know KING NIMROD? He and his Wife, Semiramis, were WORSHIPPED ALL OVER as GODS!

Bronze statue of Queen Semiramis as The Goddess Ishtar

Queen Semiramis, AKA Ashtoreh, ISIS, Diana, VENUS??? No, never heard of her huh?

Well, Easter is the celebration of her! (The Summer Solstice)
But Mista Jaycee ain't December 25th Jesus's Birthday?
NO! Come on Christians! You know, December 25th, ain't never been Jesus Birthday!
It became the day that Christians celebrated the birth of the Christ after the 2nd Nician Council.

The Christmas Celebration is.......dare I say it.......

Say it! Say it! Dare! Dare!
"Jesus is the reason for the Season!"

CON! You being CONNED!
Yeshua (Jesus) is NOT the "Real" reason for the season but he could be! HE COULD BE!

The Seventh Day Adventist Church Founding Member Ellen G. White when asked if Christians should have a "Christmas Tree" wrote this statement.

"If you choose to have a Christmas Tree that's fine but decorate it with Money for the Poor!"

That's the true Christ mission right!
"I was Naked and you Clothed me! I was Hungry and You fed me! I was Homeless and you gave a place to rest! What you do to the least You do to ME!" Jesus
Now, let me ask you. Have you smiled or offered a kind word to anyone this Holiday season?
Have you offered to help someone in need? Maybe, they sidewalk needs to be salted or they lawn mowed or the trash cans moved out. Maybe you could donate a few books, a few blankets, buy a few cans of food........
Don't get caught up with the Whole Churched up JESUS is the Reason or It's MERRY CHRISTMAS! These things did not come from CHRIST!
It's just a Political thing! A Counterfeit Christian thing designed to move an earthly counterfeit Christian movement into power!
Real Christian behavior extends from Real CHRIST Inspired Love!
Show some real love by being kind and of real service to someone. In times like these we really need it!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Spiritual Food For Thought!

Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. Romans 12: 17 New Standard Version

Thou shall not Covet! Book of Exodus

There was a Barber and his Wife and she was beautiful.....Sweeney Todd

At Last! My Arm is complete Again! Sweeney Todd

Spoiler Alert! If you have not seen "Tim Burtons Version of Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street wait! BE Warned!

So dig, I checked out the latest adaptation of Sweeney Todd based on the stage play by Stephen Sondheim and directed by Tim Burton. Johnny Depp did a wonderful job although this is the only version of the play I have seen. Actually, the story goes back to the late 1700's in one of the penny soap opera novels of that day. "String of Pearls"

The story begins with two London bound sailors as they reach the outskirts of the City. The younger is optimistic and joyful! The older is a brooding pessimist bitterly returning to exact vengeance on those responsible for his plight and hopefully regain what has been taken from him.

"The Dark Side grants power but demands that it be fed power for it's own sake!" Darth Revan

The story in short is about Benjamin Barker, a barber, with a lovely blond Wife and Daughter and how the Evil Judge Turbin, covets Barkers Wife and frames and sentences him to life imprisonment in Australia. (A British Penal Colony)

Barker has returned to London, 15 years later, renamed Sweeney Todd to exact revenge! The two sailors split and Todd visits Fleet Street, his former home. There, he meets Mrs. Lovett, who recognizes him in spite of his age and hardened face. Mrs. Lovett, updates Todd, on his Wife! She's Dead!

Judge Turbin, has raped her! Disgraced her! She's committed suicide and judge Turbin has taken your daughter as his own!

Todd, now seeks to free his daughter, then, exact his revenge! Fate saves Judge Turbin from Todd who then goes on a calculated murder spree! Mrs. Lovett, professing her love for Todd, offers a solution for body disposal! She bakes the bodies into her pies!

Oh, how I love you Mr. Todd!

Now, for the spiritual food!

Todd, had every right to be angry at Judge Turbin! He, even had a duty, to save his daughter from his claws! But he had no right to go on a murder spree! Killing innocents! This was madness!

In the end, Todd, kills a bag lady, who happened upon Judge Turbin's murder scene. He also finds another witness! (His Daughter freed by his young co sailor) She is disguised and neither recognizes the other.

Hastened by Mrs. Lovett's screaming! He spares the other witness! He goes downstairs to find that the bag lady he dispatched earlier is none other than his long dead Wife! Mrs. Lovett had lied to him! She coveted him and wanted him! She knew, the true fate, of Mrs. Barker all along!

Todd is the Victim of two people coveting! Judge Turbin, who coveted his Wife! And Mrs. Lovett who coveted HIM!

"Everyone who craps on you ain't ya enemy and everyone who cleans you up ain't your friend!" Author Unknown

Although Todd had been victimized by both people. He became consumed by rage and vengeance and ended up not having any of the things he desired!

All the players got their just desserts which was Nothing except Todd died with the knowledge that HE, not them, ultimately destroyed himself by taking his revenge.

Go in Peace!

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!

Thursday, December 17, 2009



Main Entry: typ·i·cal
Pronunciation: \ˈti-pi-kəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin typicalis, from typicus, from Greek typikos, from typos model — more at
Date: 1609
1 : constituting or having the nature of a type :
symbolic2 a : combining or exhibiting the essential characteristics of a group houses> b : conforming to a type

Courtesy of Merriman-Webster Dictionary Online

Last week I received an email from a writer of a blog I "Used" to read. She no longer writes a daily blog but she has a Twitter account and a Vlog. She asked me for ideas for her first video blogcast.

So, I suggested that she write on her Black College experience and more intently about her Divine Nine plus one Sorority.

She responded rudely and I could not figure out why. I pointed her rudeness out and reminded her that she asked me.

Her response was that I should not have asked you as you are the "Typical Black Blogger"! You only write about "Black Things etc. Etc.


I will be the first to admit that Mista Jaycee has a tremendous ego! So the "Typical" comment got me first but I was more offended by the "Black Blogger" Tag!

First, Mista Jaycee is UNAPOLOGETICALLY BLACK! I am so PROUD of this! Yes, my "High Yallah, Redbone" behind is PROUD of his Afrikan Ancestry and the Afrikan Creole blend that makes up Afrikan Americans!

What she wrote was a lie! A LIE! A Canard! A blatant untruth about me and my blog. I write about anything and everything! I do not disguise the fact that I am a Black though. When I review the "Classical Thursday" Shows from the Hollywood Bowl or from Walt Disney Hall am I the "Typical Black Blogger"?

When I profess my love for the Dave Matthews Band or the Grateful Dead am I the "Typical Black Blogger" then?

When I began this blog I criticized the Police and Barack "Bam Bam" Obama with equal measure. I proclaimed then as I do now. I AM a BLACK DUDE! I do not belong to the Democrats just cause I like Obama! I am NOT a Republican or Communist just cause I don't run around like the Democrats are the saviors of Black Folks!

But back to the "Typical" comment. First, she insulted me then she tried to clean it up with this Bull Shit "No Offense" comment!



What the heck does that mean?

"You're Ugly! NO OFFENSE! So, I know you would understand the importance of having a "great" personality! "

EFF YOU! That's how Mrs. Jaycee wanted me to respond. I was tempted but didn't!

She minimized what I do! She belittled my art! I've posted some great interviews, reviews, poetry and satire here. I work hard at it! While I will be the first to admit that there are some great blogs out there and many are greater than I. "Typical" can not be used to describe me or mine.

What "Typical Black Blogger" means really is that they are NOT catering or pandering to the mainstream American Culture.

I am still debating if I will post the exchange. Nah! But I will definitely save that ish! Again, the moral to the story is to always keep the Safety on your Mouth!

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hanukkah Begins!

They celebrated the re dedication of the alter for eight days; there was great rejoicing as they brought burnt-offerings and sacrificed peace-offerings and thank offerings. They decorated the front of the temple with golden wreaths and ornamental shields. They renewed the gates and the priests rooms, and fitted them with doors. There was great merry making among the people and the disgrace brought on them by the people was removed. Then Judas, his brothers, and the whole congregation of Israel decreed that the re dedication of the altar should be observed with joy and gladness at the same season each year, for the twenty-fifth of Kislev.

1st Maccabees Chapter 4: Verses 56-59 The Apocrypha

Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish family and friends.
BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!

Friday, December 11, 2009

I Don't Think Congress Got the Message!

You voted for change didn't you! I did! Well it seems the House and Senate didn't get your message!

Barack campaigned and Won by promising change!

Did the Democrats agree to this? Apparently NOT! They still doing the same ole Ish!

Did the Republicans realize that when an overwhelming majority voted last year that it was in part because of their policies and lack of new ideas and vision? Again, they don't care!

So what are YOU gonna do about it?!!!!

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eric Benet Revisited or Why the Hell is Tiger Woods a Cheating Hosebag!

The So called News still has not moved on from Tiger Woods and his infidelity! So I think I'll take the time to ask those in the struggle a question no one has asked yet.

Why You cheat Tiger?

No, not that question!

Tiger, surely you knew that you would be surrounded by rooms full of nubile nymphs everyday Why did you get married?

Nubile Nymphs, Mista Jaycee?

Yeah, that's a good description for the Ladies. Several Women of late have claimed that "they" have been with Tiger!

"Why"???? Why would anyone, single or not, admit to having been in an extra-martial affair?

For 15 Minutes of Fame?

But that's a different post. Back to subject. Tiger, why did you get married?

I imagine that he would say that he wanted to be with someone who knew "Eldrick Woods" Not Tiger Woods! He wanted something that was real.

Ask yourself, what would you do Ladies, if you were Famous and everyone desired you?

I think part of the reason folks get trapped in these situations is that they get addicted to being Desired. It has to be intoxicating!

I think back on the singer Eric Benet and his noted infidelity to Oscar Winner Halle Berry!

R and B Vocalist Eric Benet AKA The Artist formerly known as the Dumbest Dude of the Planet!
Halle is one of the most desired Women on the Planet!

Everyone, including me, felt Eric had to be the biggest fool ever born! But as I listened to how the mess unfolded. It turns out that some of the Women Eric had been with were Halle's "Friends"!

Could it be that Halle's "Friends" envy, jealousy and hatred of Halle led them to commit adultery with Eric?

How many of us has that friend who just takes center stage whenever they enter a room?

Maybe, it's your Homeboy, although you stay in shape, dress well, have some education and manners and a lil money. Ladies just seem to hand him their fertility?

Don't that make you mad? A lil envious maybe! It's not Fair is it?

After all you've seen that Knuckka at his worst! His house is filthy yet Playmates offer to clean it! Damn!

Maybe, your friend is a size two and has "Real" Long Hair! Maybe she eats like a linebacker and doesn't gain a pound! Maybe she's had a "Body" since y'all hit puberty and she completely bypassed the training bra!

You've always been the "Ugly Best Friend" whenever you're standing next to her! Just her! You in the top TEN otherwise!

So, imagine, what a person may do, to answer some perceived injustice? To gain some revenge! To fulfill some fantasy that they feel they are owed but denied!

You don't think Halle's friends may have been jealous of all the attention Halle got! She was in all the mags, all the websites and Men when asked answered that the most desired is Halle Berry!

Maybe they were jealous cause Halle Got ERIC too! Eric is Handsome! Plenty of women practically offered to bear Eric's offspring before they ever heard him sing a note! I'm sure of it!

Now my point! What if you walked into a room where every WOMAN is Halle Berry or better! And they all are offering to give you some! What would you do?

Rippa Stop drooling!

Mista Jaycee! None of the Women that say they've been with Tiger look like a Supermodel!

Doesn't matter! It don't! You walk into a room where Women desire you! It's Free P*ss*e! FREE! P*ss*E!

P*SS*E! Has brought down KINGS! Administrations! Movements! It has brought down Ministries! And you think it's easy to resist it!

So, now back to Eldrick "Tiger" Woods! He's a GOLFER! How many other PRO GOLFERS are in martial scandals now?

I'll Wait!

How many playboy Playmates or helpless Skanks are trolling the bars looking for the GOLF PRO? Ooh, I love me some Phil Mickelson!

I'll wait!

Probably not as many as the average NBA basketball Player on a nightly basis!

But here it's happening to you. Women want you! You Rich! You successful! You got some Charisma! You considered the first team, the A list, THE PRIME CUT!

Wait, someone wants to sexxx you without any conditions! What would you do?

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mrs. Jaycee made me see Twilight New Moon!

Ahhhhhhhhh Love!

Surely a splendid thing! A wonderful gift from the Almighty! It can make you do some really silly things.

Love, will make a grown Man listen to music he doesn't like, wear shirts that he would never bury his worst enemy in, and see a movie he's not interested in!

Now, I love Vampires, Werewolves and the classic canon of Monsters! But Twilight New Moon was just lame!

Excuse me...LAAAAAME!

Plot development can not be neglected even if it is a TEEEN Movie!

First, there's BELLA who for about 75 minutes of the movie walks around being depressed!

Oh, Edward! The Hundred and nine year old, Vampire dude, doesn't want me! BOOOO EFFIN HOOO!

Then, there's JAKE! Jake has been in the "FRIEND ZONE" since last movie! Bella of course digs Jake but she's with Edward the undead love of her 17 year old life! But with Edward gone. Jake suddenly gets BUFF! And of course they have to hang out! Oh, how long did it take you to figure out that JAKE is gonna be some sort of Monster? " It's like he's waiting on me!"

Sounds like some sort of HOMO Fantasy! LAME!

Then there's the whole HOMO Erotic Werewolf gang! Why do they all have to walk around shirtless, in shorts, flexin for well.....each other for??????


Can you tell I really didn't like this film?

For a good Vampire, Werewolf, Ghost Story check out the BBC's "BEING HUMAN" much better story, character development and even some Black Folks!

BE Prayerful!BE Mindful! BE Careful!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger gets Busted! So What! Mitrese Still Missing! So What!

Eldrick "Tiger" Woods has sank his ball into a different hole. That's not News! That's gossip!

Name me one Wife or Girlfriend that would not at least "Think" about taking a blunt instrument and aiming it at the offenders dome?

I'll wait!

Meanwhile in the real world MITRICE Richardson is still missing after being released from a Los Angeles County Sheriffs Station in the night! It's Day 75 and the No one seems to be covering this story at all.

But Tiger Woods gets caught in another Woman's Holy of Holies, now That's News!

WTH is the world coming to?

BE Mindful! BE Prayerful! BE Careful!
