Haven't we all done that? How many donut bacon cheeseburgers did you scarf down? How many fully rolled Phillie's did you inhale? How much Hen dawg did you imbibe? Come on? Then you went to the doctor after you were feeling bad or just for a check up and your LDL and the Triglycerides and the whatnot's is suppppper high and well you're lucky you ain't dead!
Come on, how many of y'all had the talk with the doc and he/she asked how are you still alive?
Point of the post is don't wait till things are in the crapper to prepare and take care of things. Exercise now while you are still able, eat right now, while you still able!
But what if you already eff'ed it up Mista Jaycee?
Then stop and change your thinking and habits! Easier, said than done, I know!
But God (IAM) allows for you to change your mind. That's what Repentance means! Pastor Jeffrey Johnson, of Eastern Star Baptist Church in Indiana, explained in a sermon from a few years ago that REPENTANCE means that you've changed your mind. You can you know. The Bible states that in Christ we are made a new creature. King David in supplication to God (IAM) asks the Lord "Create in me a clean heart and RENEW in me a RIGHT spirit!"
Yeshua (Jesus) when speaking to Nicodemus stated that in order to enter Paradise (The City of God) You must be Born Again. You must be born of water and the spirit. So when we are baptised by immersion that is a symbol of the death of our old life and a birth of the New life in Yeshua. That's the External!
Now the Internal, that's harder and there's no time limit on that. That's one of the reasons you might have problems with folks who supposed to be Church folks. On one hand, God is still shaping, molding, cutting down, and testing them in the fire. And on the other hand, externally they Church folks, they walk the walk, talk the talk, wear the outfit, but there ain't no Christ in them, and sometimes, just sometimes, There ain't NO Christ in that CHURCH! Dig?
Repentance means you can change your mind and turn around. Don't wait til you get sick, broke or almost dead to change. Do it now! Turn around now! You can you know....
BE Prayerful! BE Careful! BE Mindful!
I love this blog. I sat here and my smile quickly turned to a frown. I saw "Half-ton" mom on TLC and I just thought, that can NEVER be me...I am never gonna wait until I get that big until I cant leave my seat.
I havent been dieting and that show was a walk up call. I need to prevent that.
Great post Jay, It hit home. Love ya!!
Great Post,
It sounds you have been influenced by Taosim as well.
In the Tao-te-ching it has this line,"Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small. The most difficult things in the world must be done while they are still easy, the greatest things in the world must de done while they are still small. For this reason sages never do what is great, and that is why they can achieve greatness."
This is another informative well written post!
Great post, I always can use a reminder to WAKE UP!
I am a practictioner of Tai Chi Chaun (Yang 24) so I have read a few things along the Taoist line of thought. However if you check some of my earlier posts you will see influences from alot of different places. I accept Yeshua as my savior and have a relationship with him and I make it my practice to take what is good and beneficial and toss what's bad from any and every source.
Glad to know that folks are reading the posts and commenting. I get so much from y'all and it's a huge thrill.
What prompted the layout change?
I was helped by this post. I definitely need to get in a little more exercise. Thanks.
Hey Obi,
Just needed a new look to keep it interesting. Do you like it? I do.
Keep reading and posting great pieces.
I do like the layout change and the advice. Health is wealth. Practice makes perfect. Plan your work, work your plan. All it take is discipline. I quoted dead prez with that one.
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