Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spiritual Food For Thought!

[14:21] When they all stand before GOD, the followers will say to the leaders, "We used to follow you. Can you spare us even a little bit of GOD's retribution?" They will say, "Had GOD guided us, we would have guided you. Now it is too late, whether we grieve or resort to patience, there is no exit for us."
The Noble Quran


Obi Asad said...

Ameen. May Allah Subhana wa Ta'alaa guide us to the straight way.

Miss.Stefanie said...


Ann Brock said...

Mista Jaycee how true, whom ever we follow determines our eternity.

Ziggy Za. said...

Deep. It's definitely time to watch who we follow, if we choose to follow at all.

achoiceofweapons said...

The way I intepreted it was that in the end times, the last day, the people would be looking to the leaders, the preachers, the politicians begging for an answer and they would say We had no God in us. So you followed and look where you at.

Afrobabe said...

Sounds like the bible though...